About Us

Pandi Correspondents Pvt. Ltd. is a Company registered in India, having offices in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Goa. The Company was founded in 1994 by late Mr. S. Venkiteswaran, Senior Advocate, popularly known as Venki, at the request of the Britannia (Tindall Riley), U.K. (Thomas Miller), & London Clubs (Bilbroughs). He was the Chairman of Pandi Correspondents Pvt. Ltd. till his passing away on 21st December 2013.

The Company is managed by its Board of Directors, with Mr. V. Subramanian (Kumar), Advocate, being the Chairman; and Capt. T. Manohar and Mr. S. Sivaramakrishnan, being the Executive Directors of the Company. Pandi Correspondents Pvt Ltd provides full range of P&I Correspondents’ and claims handling services on a 24×7, 365 days, basis throughout India, through its claim handlers across all its Offices with their vast and wide experience, and the network of experts in the maritime field.

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